The main intention of starting this blog was to chronicle our family's upcoming international move. We received orders to RAF Coningsby in England. My husband will be doing an "exchange tour" with the Royal Airforce and will be learning to fly their fighter jet the Typhoon and will then be an instructor teaching their incoming students. We are thrilled to take our little family across the pond for the next 3 years! Although we are thrilled, I am starting to get nervous about all the changes. I am a type A person to the t so I am thinking about EVERYTHING that needs to be done before the move and everything that will be different over there, cars, electrical outlets, terminology, etc. Since I can't do anything about that just yet, I have decidedto focus on what I can....Clothes! Right now in Va it's HOT and HUMID. I am loving buying and wearing cute summer dresses, shorts and cute summery tops but I know everything I buy this summer will likely sit in my closet for the next 3 years except for the occasional vacation, hello French Riviera! That being said, I have spent WAY too long on Pinterest searching for Fall/Winter outfits trying to convince myself my closet will be happy in England! Here are some of my favorite picks so far... All of the fashionistas out there, what do you think will be the hot items of the fall? I would love to hear your thoughts!


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