Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ireland: The Final Leg

Continuing on with our adventure in Ireland! We finished in Limerick and drove to the Cliffs of Moher. We had heard mixed reviews on the cliffs, some saying it was very touristy while others saying it was well worth the visit. We decided since we were there we might as well go! Unfortunately, the weather was terrible with 40 mph winds, very cold and foggy so we did not get the full experience of hiking around (much too cold to be out for long, especially with little girl!) It was beautiful and we are glad we made the trip though!

By this point, you can tell Em is done with the sightseeing.

And because you can not go to Ireland and not go to Dublin, we finished our trip there! In Dublin we stayed in a private room in a hostel, which was the first time I had stayed in a hostel. I was a little nervous about how Emily would do but the room was larger than many of the hotel rooms we stayed in and the breakfast was fantastic! While in Dublin, we toured the Guinness factory. I was very excited about it because Guinness is my favorite beer! I thought the factory tour was well done and although there were a lot of people, we never felt crowded!

We learned how to pour the perfect pint. Once again we used and loved the Ergo so that Nick and I could both participate and Em was close with all of the people around. 

We loved our time in Ireland and are so glad we got to check an item off of our bucket list! On to the next adventure! 

1 comment:

  1. I love these! I'm so happy you haven't let your child stifle your travels, we want to travel with our future babe too! Ireland is so wonderful, great pictures!!!
